In the City of Stonnington, regulations for tree removal on private land require compliance with specific criteria to ensure the protection of significant trees and trees within certain overlays.
Significant Trees:
A permit is required to remove or prune any tree considered “significant.” A tree is deemed significant if it meets one of the following criteria:
- Trunk circumference of 140 cm or greater at 1.4 m above its base.
- Total circumference of all trunks of 140 cm or greater at 1.4 m above their base.
- Trunk circumference of 180 cm or greater at its base.
- Total circumference of all trunks of 180 cm or greater at their base.
Properties located within the Significant Landscape Overlay (SLO) or Neighbourhood Character Overlay (NCO1) require a planning permit for tree removal. These overlays primarily cover areas like the Yarra River Corridor and the Hedgeley Dene Precinct.
Permit Process:
To remove or prune a significant tree, you must:
- Submit an application for a Tree Works Permit.
- Have the tree assessed by a qualified arborist if the removal or pruning is urgent.
- Obtain the necessary permits before undertaking any work that affects the tree or its root zone.
Removing or damaging a significant tree without a permit can result in fines, enforcement actions by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT), or prosecution.
For more detailed information, you can refer to the City of Stonnington’s official guidelines on their website here (City of Stonnington) (City of Stonnington).