Cranbourne Tree Services

City of Kingston Tree Works Permits

For tree removal on private land in the City of Kingston, the regulations require a permit under specific conditions. Here’s an overview of the key requirements: 

Permit Requirements: 

A permit is needed to remove, prune, or undertake works on any tree (including multi-stemmed trees) with a trunk circumference of 110 cm or more measured at ground level. A permit is also required for works within the structural root zone of any protected tree or vegetation.

Application Details: 

The permit application process includes providing supporting evidence such as:

  • Photos and reports for property damage.
  • Health and safety reports from a qualified arborist with a recognized tree risk assessment.
  • Documentation for development or construction projects.

Permit Cost: 

The cost for a tree removal permit is $113 per tree. There is no fee for pensioners.

Consent and Compliance: 

If you are not the property owner, you must provide a consent form signed by the owner. Additionally, properties developed under a Planning Permit may have specific vegetation protection conditions that remain in effect and must be adhered to.

Additional Resources:  

Detailed guidelines and forms are available on the City of Kingston’s website. This includes the owner’s consent form and a fact sheet on tree removal. 

For more information and to access the required forms and guidelines, visit the City of Kingston at
