Cranbourne Tree Services

City of Port Phillip Tree Works Permits

In the City of Port Phillip, you need a permit to remove or prune a significant tree on private land. A tree is considered significant if it meets one of the following criteria:

  • It has a trunk circumference of 150 cm or more measured 1 meter from the base.
  • It is a multi-stemmed tree with exterior stems that collectively measure 1.5 meters or more in circumference when measured 1 meter from the base.
  • If the tree has been removed, it had a trunk circumference of 150 cm or more measured at the base.

To apply for a permit, you must submit an application that includes a site plan or drawing of the tree’s location and photographs or diagrams detailing the extent of the proposed work. Permits are typically required to:

  • Destroy, damage, or remove a significant tree.
  • Cut, trim, lop, or prune a significant tree.

Certain exemptions apply, such as for branches that overhang public pathways or roads and pose safety risks. However, you should keep photographic evidence before conducting any such work. Violating these regulations can lead to fines, enforcement actions, or prosecution​

For detailed information, you can refer to the Port Phillip Council’s tree removal permit guide and other relevant resources.
